Arzachena 25 km from Olbia, lies in an
evocative landscape, among strangely
eroded hills. These rocks eroded by the
wind are the site of the most ancient human
settlements in Sardinia, a group of villages
inhabited by the men who gave life to the
Culture of Arzachena, as archaeologists
have named it.
Just before you reach Arzachena, you will
find the fork to Cannigione: this is a small
town, with well-equipped camp-sites, hotels
and a small harbour for pleasure craft. There
are beautiful beaches and even a Youth
Hostel, the cheapest place to stay in the
area, in proximity to the Nuraghe Albucciu
(which is also called Malchittu). All the
region around Arzachena is rich in remains
of the past and offers the opportunity of very
interesting archaeological excursions
(specially the area of Monte Massolu, Monte
Tiana, Punta Candela, the Nuraghe Ja
Prisciona and the "Tombs of the Giant" near
Li Muri and Capichera. The  most interesting
archaeological sites are signposted).
nuraghe Albucciu
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